§ 4-140. Not to issue for certain locations.  

Latest version.
  • No person whose business is primarily the selling of cereal malt beverages or alcoholic liquor shall be licensed to sell or dispense cereal malt beverages or alcoholic beverages at any place within a distance of 300 feet of any church or other established institution sponsored by a religious organization that provides training and recreational activities for the youth, any school building, or any part of a school ground, measured over the shortest line from the nearest portion of the exterior of the specific portion of the building in which cereal malt beverages or alcoholic beverages are sold to the property line of the church, school or institution being protected. Renewal of licenses may be made for all establishments presently licensed within 300 feet of one of the above.

(Code 1988, § 4-105)

State law reference

Persons eligible to have state license, K.S.A. 41-311, 41-2623, 41-2625.