§ 4-181. Temporary permits—Generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A temporary permit shall allow the permit holder to offer for sale, sell and serve alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage for consumption on unlicensed premises, which may be open to the public, subject to the terms of such permit.


    The unified government may issue a temporary permit to any one or more persons or organizations applying for such a permit, in accordance with rules and regulations of the secretary. The permit shall be issued in the names of the persons or organizations to which it is issued.


    Applications for temporary permits shall be required to be filed with the unified government not less than seven days before the event for which the permit is sought, unless the license administrator waives such requirement for good cause. Each application shall state the purposes for which the proceeds of the event will be used. The application shall be upon a form prescribed and furnished by the unified government and shall be filed in duplicate. Each application shall be accompanied by a permit fee in the amount established by the unified government administrator for each day for which the permit is issued, which shall be paid by a certified or cashier's check of a bank within this state, United States post office money order or cash in the full amount thereof. All permit fees collected by the unified government pursuant to this section for the sale of alcoholic liquor hereunder shall be remitted to the unified government director of revenue.


    Temporary permits shall specify the premises for which they are issued and shall be issued only for premises where the city zoning ordinance allows use for which the permit is issued. No temporary permit shall be issued for premises that are not located in the city.


    A temporary permit to sell alcoholic liquor shall be issued for a period of time not to exceed three consecutive days, the dates and hours of which shall be specified in the permit. Temporary permits to sell cereal malt beverages may be issued for a period of time not to exceed one calendar day. No more than four temporary permits may be issued to any one applicant in a calendar year.


    All proceeds from an event for which a temporary permit is issued shall be used only for the purpose stated in the application for such permit.


    A temporary permit shall not be transferable or assignable.


    The unified government may refuse to issue a temporary permit to any person or organization which has violated the provision of the state Liquor Control Act (K.S.A. 41-101 et seq.), the drinking establishment act (K.S.A. 41-2601 et seq.) or K.S.A. 79-4101a et seq.

(Code 1988, § 4-129; Ord. No. 65173, § 3-44, 7-9-1987)

State law reference

Similar provisions, K.S.A. 41-2645.