§ 4-204. Class B private clubs.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A license for a class B club shall allow the licensee to offer for sale, sell and serve alcoholic liquor for consumption on the licensed premises by members of such club and any guests accompanying them.


    Any two or more class B clubs that are restaurants may permit, by an agreement filed with and approved by the unified government, the members of each such club to have access to all other clubs that are parties to such agreement. The privileges extended to the visiting members of other clubs under such an agreement shall be determined by the agreement and, if the agreement provides, any club which is a party to such agreement may sell, offer for sale and serve to any person who is a member of another club which is a party to such agreement, alcoholic liquor for consumption on the licensed premises by such person, such person's family, and any guests accompanying them.


    Except as provided by subsection (d) of this section, an applicant for membership in a class B club shall, before becoming a member of such club:


    Be screened by the club for good moral character;


    Pay an annual membership fee of not less than $10.00; and


    Wait for a period of ten days after completion of the application form and payment of the membership fee.


    Notwithstanding the membership fee and waiting period requirement of subsection (c) of this section:


    Any class B club located on the premises of a hotel may establish rules whereby a guest, who registered at the hotel and who is not a resident of the county in which the club is located, may file application for temporary membership in such club. The membership, if granted, shall be valid only for the period of time that the guest is a bona fide registered guest at the hotel, and such temporary membership shall not be subject to the waiting period or fee requirement of this section.


    Any class B club located on property which is owned or operated by a municipal airport authority and upon which consumption of alcoholic liquor is authorized by law may establish rules whereby an air traveler who is a holder of a current airline ticket may file application for temporary membership in such club for the day such air traveler's ticket is valid, and such temporary membership shall not be subject to the waiting period or fee requirement of this section.


    Any class B club may establish rules whereby military personnel of the armed forces of the United States on temporary duty and housed at or near any military installation located within the exterior boundaries of the state may file application for temporary membership in such club. The membership, if granted, shall be valid only for the period of the training, not to exceed 20 weeks. Any person wishing to make application for temporary membership in a class B club under this subsection shall present the temporary duty orders to the club. Temporary membership issued under this subsection shall not be subject to the waiting period or fee requirements of this section.


    Any class B club may enter into a written agreement with a hotel whereby a guest who is registered at the hotel and who is not a resident of the county in which the club is located may file application for temporary membership in such club. The temporary membership, if granted, shall be valid only for the period of time that the guest is a bona fide registered guest at the hotel and shall not be subject to the waiting period or dues requirement of this section. A club may enter into a written agreement with a hotel pursuant to this provision only if:


    The hotel is located in the same county as the club;


    There is no class B club located on the premises of the hotel; and


    No other club has entered into a written agreement with the hotel pursuant to this section.

(Code 1988, § 4-142; Ord. No. 65173, § 3-52, 7-9-1987)

State law reference

Similar provisions, K.S.A. 41-2641.