§ 6-134. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Amusement arcade means any establishment, place or premises that has, as its principal activity, the operation of coin-operated amusement devices.

    Coin-operated amusement device or device means any amusement machine or device operated by means of the insertion of a coin, token, or similar object for the purpose of amusement or skill and for the playing of which a fee is charged. The term does not include vending machines in which are not incorporated gaming or amusement features, nor does the term include any coin-operated mechanical musical devices or bowling machines.

    Operator means any person who sets up for operation by another or leases or distributes for the purpose of operation by another any device, whether such setting up for operation, leasing or distributing be for a fixed charge or rental, on the basis of a division of the income derived from such device, or otherwise.

    Proprietor means any person who, as the owner, lessee, or proprietor has under his or its control any establishment, place or premises in or at which such device is placed or kept for use or play, or on exhibition for the purpose of use or play.

(Code 1964, § 30-52(1); Code 1988, § 6-91; Ord. No. 43040, § 1, 11-16-1961; Ord. No. 44730, § 1, 1-7-1965; Ord. No. 54614, § 1, 2-17-1976; Ord. No. 54845, § 1, 4-20-1976)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-2.