§ 7-12. Dead animals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Responsibility if director of animal control. The director of animal control shall be responsible for the removal of all dead animals found within the city except as otherwise provided in this section. In this section, "dead animal" shall mean an animal not killed for food or no longer fit for food.


    Removal—Large dead animals. All large dead animals shall be removed and legally disposed of by the owner or proprietor of the premises within 12 hours after the death of such animal. If not so removed, such animal shall be removed by the city at actual cost to the property owner or proprietor. Charges for dead animal removal are due and payable upon billing by the unified government. The unified government may refuse to collect dead animals for failure to pay previous billings. Failure to pay for dead animal removal as provided shall constitute a violation punishable by fine as delineated in section 7-2.


    Same—Small dead animals. Animal hospitals, commercial animal establishments, laboratories and other similar places where animals are kept for commercial or scientific purposes shall maintain, for a period of one year, records on the death and disposal of all birds and mammals in their care. Such records shall include the type of animal, cause of death (if known), method of disposal and such other information as specified by the supervisor. Dead animals shall be removed from such establishments and submitted for postmortem examination by a licensed veterinarian, state or federal laboratory, or such other person as approved by the director, or disposed of by incineration, burial or other approved means.


    Access to property. On occupied property, the owner or the tenant of such property shall provide easy access to the subject animal for purpose of its removal.


    Leaving on streets, etc. No person owning or having possession of the carcass of any animal not to be used for food shall permit the same to remain in or upon any street, sidewalk, park, or public ground.


    Burial. Burial of animals shall only be permitted at pet cemeteries licensed by the city, or such other places for which a special permit is granted by the health director.


    Transportation. It shall be unlawful for any person to transport or remove any dead animal or the carcass of any dead animal along any street, avenue, alley, lane or other highway within the city, unless the same is transported or removed, loaded upon a wagon, truck or other vehicle of conveyance. Any person transporting or removing any dead animal or the carcass of any dead animal, except game animals, such as deer, commonly carried over the hoods of cars, upon any wagon, truck or other vehicle shall completely cover such dead animal with a canvas or some other complete and secure cover so as to entirely conceal the same from view and to prevent the escape of odor.

(Code 1988, § 7-12; Ord. No. O-22-03, § 1, 6-5-2003)