§ 8-126. Same—Amendments.  

Latest version.
  • The 2011 NFPA 70 National Electric Code is amended in the following respects:

    Section 230.70.A.1. is amended to read as follows:

    Section 230.70.A.1. Readily accessible location. The service disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible location either outside of the building or structure or inside within ten feet nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors. The ten foot distance is measured along the path of the service conductors.

(Code 1964, §§ 12-43, 12-44; Code 1988, § 8-100; Ord. No. 64721, §§ 17, 18, 11-1-1984; Ord. No. 65163, § 1, 6-18-1987; Ord. No. 65407, § 4, 3-23-1989; Ord. No. O-57-04, § 15, 9-16-2004; Ord. No. O-44-11, § 11, 10-20-2011; Ord. No. O-29-12, § 11, 5-3-2012; Ord. No. O-42-16 , § 1, 7-28-2016)