§ 107. Time of regular meetings and planning and zoning meetings; matters considered.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    At the first regular meeting after new commissioners are sworn in following an election, the commission shall adopt a schedule of meetings for the next two years. In general regular meetings of the commission shall be held on the first and third Thursdays of each month, and meetings limited to planning and zoning matters shall be held on the last Thursday of each month. When holidays fall on or near the general meeting date or when the last Thursday is less than 14 days after the preceding planning commission meeting, the commission may change the meeting from the first, third, or last Thursday to another day.


    If it is known that a quorum will not be present at a particular meeting, the commission may vote to reschedule or cancel the meeting.


    Unless these rules are temporarily suspended and another time is designated, commission meetings shall commence at 7:00 p.m. and, unless otherwise authorized by a majority vote of the commissioners present, shall adjourn at 12:00 a.m.


    The mayor's agenda, consent agenda, the public hearing agenda, the standing committees' agenda, the administrator's agenda, the commissioners' agenda, and the land bank agenda, if applicable, shall be considered at each regular full commission meeting held on the first and third Thursday of the month.


    Non-planning and zoning matters may be considered at the meeting held on the last Thursday of the month upon approval of the mayor.

(Res. No. R-78-03, § 1, 9-4-2003)