§ 19-284. Suspension or revocation of license.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The license administrator may suspend or revoke a license issued hereunder for any of the following reasons:


    Filing of fraudulent application or giving of false information;


    The license holder has violated any of the provisions of this chapter;


    The license holder has violated any of the provisions of chapter 4;


    The license holder has failed to pay applicable occupation taxes;


    The license holder has been convicted of a felony or morals charge;


    The licensed premises have become a public nuisance as defined in this Code;


    The licensed premises have been found to be in violation of life, health or safety codes;


    The licensee has exceeded permitted occupation capacity as established by the fire marshal; or


    The license holder has knowingly violated, advised, encouraged or assisted in the violation of any court order, state law, municipal ordinance or injunction in the course of business.


    For the purposes of this section, any act by an employee, agent, officer, director, partner or joint venturer of the license holder is deemed to be an act of the license holder.


    Whenever the license administrator has knowledge of any action or condition that would constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of any license hereunder or has reasonable cause to believe such grounds exist, the license administrator shall hold a hearing to ascertain all relevant facts in the matter and determine whether or not the license should be suspended or revoked. Not less than ten days' prior written notice shall be served on the license holder or its registered agent by personal service or certified mail, setting forth the reason for the hearing and the conditions under which the hearing will be held. The license holder shall have the right to be represented by counsel, to produce witnesses, to cross examine witnesses and to present evidence. All proceedings in such hearing shall be recorded stenographically or electronically and shall be available for transcription at the expense of the party requesting the same.


    Subpoenas shall be issued by the license administrator for any witness whose presence is requested at such hearing, and such subpoenas may be served, personally or by certified mail, by any member of the license department or police department.


    The license administrator shall preside at the hearing. Witnesses may appear voluntarily or pursuant to subpoena. The decision and any order of the license administrator shall be made in writing.


    Any person affected by the action of the license administrator in suspending or revoking a license hereunder may appeal such action in the manner described in this article.

(Code 1988, § 19-557; Ord. No. O-50-01, § 1, 6-7-2001)