§ 19-233. License and inspection fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The annual license fee shall be set by the county administrator. The license fee is estimated and intended to satisfy the regulatory costs of this article. A change in ownership shall require a new license application and payment of the license fee. An increase in the number of licensed dwelling units during the license year shall require an amended license application and payment of an additional license fee to cover the additional units.


    An inspection fee as set by the county administrator will be assessed for the second and each subsequent inspection of a dwelling unit in a calendar year which results in a determination that the dwelling unit does not meet the standards or requirements of section 19-237 or 19-238.


    Any person failing to pay a license fee or inspection fee required under this section within 90 days after it becomes due shall pay a penalty of ten percent of the amount for each 30 days' delinquency. The penalty will be assessed on the first of each month delinquent.


    The annual license fee imposed by this section is due and payable on May 1 of each year, unless a different date is specified herein.

(Code 1988, § 19-499; Ord. No. 66057, § 7, 10-19-1995; Ord. No. 66101, § 5, 4-18-1996; Ord. No. 66175, § 3, 12-5-1996; Ord. No. O-97-99, § 3, 12-16-1999)