§ 27-700. District requirements.  

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  • (a)

    In the R-1, R, AG, R-1(B), R-2, and R-2(B) districts, one shade tree per dwelling unit is required in the front or corner side yard, and one tree per 7,000 square feet of site area for uses other than residences.


    The general landscaping and screening requirements for the other districts are listed in each particular district. In addition:


    R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-M, C-O districts. Buffer plantings, which shall include the equivalent of a minimum of one evergreen tree or one shade tree and three large shrubs for each 30 feet of adjacent project boundary, shall be provided for such development adjacent to single-family or two-family zoned property. Except in district R-M and C-O, such buffer plantings may be arranged on any portion of the property. Buffer plantings will be in addition to required trees. In district R-M and C-O, buffer plantings may be required to be concentrated along potentially unsightly areas or where sensitive areas exist on adjacent property. All multifamily residential projects shall include at least one shade tree per eight dwelling units and one shrub per dwelling unit in addition to the tree requirement, but not in addition to the buffer plantings if required.


    Conflicting requirements. Except in district M-3, where uses are clearly permitted in restrictive zoning district than exists on the site to be utilized, the landscaping and screening requirements of the first district in which the use would be permitted shall apply.


    Districts M-1, M-2, and M-3. A buffer area shall be provided along side and rear property lines common to or across an alley from residentially zoned property and shall consist of an area 15 feet in width improved with a six-foot architectural screen adjacent to the property line and one row of shade trees spaced not more than 40 feet on center and one row of large shrubs spaced not more than eight feet on center.


    District M-3. Trees may be required depending on the particular location and surroundings of the project up to a maximum of one tree per 15,000 square feet of site area. Auto salvage yards shall be enclosed by a minimum eight-foot tall architectural screening fence, and nothing shall be stored to a height greater than the height of the fence.

(Code 1988, § 27-1350; Ord. No. 64690, § 1(27-69.5), 8-30-1984; Ord. No. 64884, § 13, 10-3-1985; Ord. No. 65417, § 28, 4-6-1989)