§ 27-463. C-0 nonretail business district.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. The purpose of the C-0 nonretail district is to accommodate services of an administrative, professional and governmental nature. It is intended that no products be handled on the premises other than documents involved in business transactions or items for display or training purposes. The size and bulk of buildings may vary, signs are modest in size and prominence, and the occupancy of the buildings is generally assumed to be in the 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. range, five days per week. Little noise or commotion is produced, and quality of architecture, screening and landscaping is emphasized to assure compatibility with nearby residential neighbors. Location should be on major streets, in or adjacent to the central business district, or as transition between retail uses and residential property. This section applies to the C-0 nonretail business district, except as stated otherwise.


    Permitted uses. The sale of products and offering of services in this district are regulated both by performance standards and by enumeration of uses that are permitted. The following list is not all-inclusive but rather establishes a descriptive and typical range of activities that are appropriate in this district. All uses must be operated in conformance with the performance standards that follow:


    Any use permitted in the RP-4 garden apartment district under the standards of that district, except that single-family and two-family dwellings are not permitted in this district.


    Offices for the administrative functions of businesses, corporations, governmental agencies, utilities, social and philanthropic organizations.


    Offices for the sale of insurance, real estate, securities, and travel services, as well as equipment, products and materials that are located off the premises.


    Photographic studios, radio and television studios, hospitals and clinics for treatment of humans, dental laboratories, mortuaries, day care centers, beauty salons.


    Offices for professions such as medicine, law, engineering, architecture, osteopathy, chiropractic and counseling.


    Performance standards. No use of land or buildings in this district shall be allowed to exceed or violate the following standards:


    All functions and activities shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building.


    No stock in trade may be kept on the premises except that which is used in training, display or demonstration, all of which shall be kept inside a building.


    No use is permitted that involves the parking, storage, or continued presence of vehicles of over 18,000 pounds GVWR.


    No use, occupant, equipment or operation shall produce noise that is of higher pitch or volume than that which normally prevails in the surrounding neighborhood.


    Height and area standards. All buildings and other uses of land shall conform to the following minimum standards:


    Height shall be not more than three stories or 40 feet, except that in the CP-0 planned nonretail business district, buildings and structures shall not exceed 12 stories.


    Setback from property lines shall be as follows:


    Front yard: Not less than 25 feet.


    Side yard, interior: Not less than ten feet plus one foot for each story over three.


    Side yard, corner: Not less than 25 feet.


    Rear yard: Not less than 25 feet.


    For parking and other paved areas: Not less than six feet from any property line or less than 25 feet from any street line.

    For additional standards and information, see division 8 of this article.


    Parking standards. Uses in this district, except those situated in the area herein described as the central business district, require paved off-street parking at a ratio of not less than four spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area in the building. Buildings in the central business district, within the area bounded by Third Street and Eleventh Street, Ann Avenue and Washington Boulevard, need not provide off-street parking on the premises, if the planning commission determines that adequate alternative parking is available within a practical walking distance in order to protect the public safety and convenience. For additional standards and information, see division 9 of this article.


    Signs. Signs are permitted in this district but are limited in size, number, location and type of illumination. One wall sign is permitted on each of three facades of the building and one monument sign is allowed in lieu of one wall sign. For additional standards and information, see division 11 of this article.


    Landscaping and screening. A reasonable amount of landscaping is required on all projects in this district, with emphasis being placed on screening or otherwise softening the visual impact of parking or unsightly areas. Such features shall be depicted on a properly prepared plan. Trees are required at not less than one per 7,000 square feet of site area. Screening or buffer plantings are to be provided along all side and rear property lines common to or across an alley from single-family or two-family zoned property. For additional standards and information, see division 10 of this article.


    Planned zoning. All rezoning cases are reviewed relative to likely impacts of the proposed use on neighboring property and on the community in general. It is recognized that the manner in which a building is designed and located on a site, the visual perception of the project by nearby property owners, and the way that vehicular traffic and surface water are handled are important to the public welfare, yet may vary widely within the framework of these regulations and standards. Many such critical issues can be resolved in the public interest at the time of rezoning by use of the planned zoning process. This process involves submittal and approval of development plans at the time of rezoning, a practice which may enhance neighborhood relationships and minimize traffic and other impacts on the public in general. The planned zoning equivalent to this district is CP-0, and the procedures are set out in section 27-212.


    Building conversion. No building that was designed and constructed as a residential building shall be converted for use as an office or other business purpose unless the following conditions are met:


    Setbacks comply with those required in this district.


    All off-street parking required by this article or by the proposed use of the premises can be accommodated in the side or rear yard of the premises, and said premises has access and dimensions to permit the full and safe use thereof.


    The building is made to comply with all building and other code requirements of a commercial building.


    The premises is screened from any abutting property zoned or used for residential purposes.


    A site plan and an architectural plan depicting the requirements of subsection (i) of this section, plus any changes to the exterior of the building, shall be prepared by a registered architect and submitted for review and approval by the planning commission prior to issuance of building permits or occupancy of the building.

(Code 1988, § 27-1168; Ord. No. 64690, § 1(27-39), 8-30-1984; Ord. No. 64884, § 4, 10-3-1985; Ord. No. 66269, § 1, 9-4-1997)