§ 718. Disposition of matters without action.  

Latest version.
  • In order to dispose of a matter without action, either affirmatively or negatively, and after such matter has been presented properly, and after appropriate comment and recommendation by the administrator and the public members present, the following motions shall be in order:


    "To receive and file" (not debatable);


    "To defer" (debatable) shall be made only once in connection with an item on the agenda, and deferment shall not exceed a four-week time period;


    Motion to defer may be made as often as necessary, subject only to the above time limitation;


    "To refer" (not debatable) shall be appropriate in connection with investigations and reports; and


    "To strike" (debatable) may be used to remove an item from the agenda without prejudice to said item so that it may be returned to the agenda at a later date in accordance with established procedure.

(Res. No. R-57-11, § 1, 9-15-2011)