§ 2-596. Meetings; quorum; voting; proxies; attendance.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The board shall hold regular monthly meetings at a time and place to be determined by the board. Additional and special meetings may be called by the chair at any time. Notice of additional or special meetings, either oral or written, shall be given to each board member at least 48 hours before the meeting.


    A quorum shall be nine members of the board. A quorum must be present at any meeting at which official board action is taken.


    The board may take action only by a vote of a majority of members present at a meeting at which a quorum exists.


    Each member of the board, in writing, may designate a proxy who may attend meetings and cast votes in the place of the member.


    If any board member fails to attend two regular meetings during the state fiscal year and fails to send a proxy to such meetings, the chair will consult with the board member in writing as to the board member's intention to continue in the position. If any board member fails to attend three regular meetings in a state fiscal year and fails to send a proxy for such meetings, the board member will be deemed to have forfeited his or her position. Such position will be filled under section 2-594.

(Res. No. R-34-07, § 6, 3-8-2007)