§ 2-463. Purpose; powers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The public building commission is created for the purposes of acquiring sites for and constructing, reconstructing, equipping and furnishing a building or buildings or other facilities of a revenue-producing character, including parking facilities, or for purchasing or otherwise acquiring such buildings or facilities and such buildings or facilities shall be maintained and operated for a county courthouse and the housing and accommodation of county offices and county business or for unified government offices or such other purposes as are commonly carried on in connection with such facilities or in county courthouses and general unified government buildings, including administration offices for school districts and housing, accommodations, and parking facilities for offices of state and federal agencies.


    The public building commission shall have power to do all things necessary or incidental to the purpose of constructing or acquiring or enlarging, furnishing and equipping and operating and maintaining buildings to be made available for use by governmental agencies.


    The public building commission shall have all such powers and authority as provided by statute, may negotiate a lease for the use of public facilities proposed to be acquired or constructed with the unified government, may negotiate a lease for the use of public buildings proposed to be acquired or constructed with one or more public bodies, and may issue revenue bonds of the commission to provide funds for the purpose of acquiring, erecting, equipping, repairing, maintaining and operating buildings and other facilities and to acquire sites necessary and convenient therefor and to pay all costs and expenses incident thereto, or to refund its outstanding bonds. Such revenue bonds shall be payable solely from the rents and revenues to be derived from the operation, management or use of the buildings or other facilities acquired by the commission.


    The public building commission is authorized to establish and fix rates, rentals, fees and charges for the use of any and all buildings or space therein or other facilities owned and operated by the commission, sufficient at all times to pay maintenance and operation costs of such buildings or facilities, the principal of and interest on the bonds issued by the commission as the same shall become due and payable, and to make all payments to any accounts created by any bond resolution.


    The public building commission shall have the authority to rent all or any part of its buildings or other facilities to any federal, state or county governmental agency, or any municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, political subdivision or body politic, or agency thereof, doing business, maintaining an office or rendering a public service in the county seat or county in which the commission was organized and to rent any space as may not be needed by such governmental agencies for such service facilities as such public building commission may determine will primarily serve the comfort and convenience of the occupants of its buildings or other facilities.


    The public building commission shall have the power to acquire the fee simple title to real property, including easements and reversionary interests in the streets, alleys and other public places and personal property required for its purposes by purchase, gift, devise or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain of the state and title thereto shall be taken in the corporate name of the commission.

(Code 1964, § 2-272; Code 1988, § 2-1108; Ord. No. 47223, § 2, 7-11-1968; Ord. No. O-69-98(Res. No. 96-98), § 4, 8-6-1998)