§ 30-224. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the words, terms and phrases elsewhere defined in this chapter, the following words, terms and phrases as used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:

    Absorption field: a configuration of on-site trenches installed to absorb sewage effluent from a septic tank or other sewage solids removal device.

    Absorption pit : a pit or hole in which gravel is placed, which receives sewage effluent.

    Absorption trench : a trench that is laid to convey and distribute septic tank effluent.

    Alternative on-site sewage management system : any on-site sewage management system which has been approved by the health department, and has proven reliability and performance in field use, but which differs in design or operation from approved conventional septic tank and absorption-field systems.

    Approval or approved : accepted or acceptable by the health department in accordance with applicable specifications stated herein or with additional criteria accepted by the department.

    Authorized representative : any employee of the unified government public health department who is designated by the health officer to administer this Code.

    Available sewer: any public sewer within 200 feet of a building which is permitted by the owner of the public sewer to be connected to the public sewer system.

    Board of county commissioners : the unified government board of commissioners.

    Board of health : the unified government board of commissioners.

    Chamber system: an absorption field that utilizes vaulted plastic chambers rather than gravel.

    Composting toilet : a biological composting unit used for the disposal of human excreta.

    Conventional on-site sewage management system : a system that includes a septic tank, absorption field, and all other elements intended to be used for management and disposal of sewage on-site.

    Domestic sewage : sewage originating primarily from non-commercial kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry sources, including waste from food preparation, dishwashing, garbage grinding, toilets, baths, showers, and sinks.

    Experimental or innovative on-site sewage management system : any on-site sewage management system which has been approved by the health department and is installed for testing and observation.

    Floodplain : the 100-year floodplain.

    Grade : the ratio of vertical drop of pipe invert, trench bottom, or ground surface to the horizontal distance transversed.

    Grease trap : a device that captures grease in sewage and from which the grease may be removed for proper disposal.

    Industrial or commercial wastes : any wastes produced as a by-product of any industrial or commercial process or operation, other than domestic sewage.

    Installer license : an annual license issued by the health department authorizing an individual to install, construct, repair, or alter on-site sewage management systems in Wyandotte County, Kansas.

    KDHE : the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

    Lateral rock : washed gravel or washed crushed stone ranging in size from three fourths inch to two inches in diameter (p. 12, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).

    Lot : the smallest basic portion of a subdivision or other tract of land, normally intended to be developed and transferred individually.

    Multi-family building : any building intended to be occupied as living quarters by more than one family.

    The following words and phrases, when used in this Code, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless indicated otherwise.

    Non-public water supply : all water supplies for domestic uses that do not meet the definition of public water supply.

    Non-residential building : any building intended to be utilized for business, religious, or commercial purposes, which is not intended to be occupied by one or more persons as living quarters.

    On-site sewage management system : a conventional, alternative, experimental, or innovative sewage disposal system which serves a single-family residential building or a single nonresidential building.

    Package plant : an approved watertight structure installed underground to receive, agitate and aerate sewage from a building sewer, effecting separation and organic decomposition of sewage solids and discharging effluent to an absorption field.

    Private water supply : any water supply line which is privately owned and not owned by a public water supply.

    Public water supply : a system for delivery to the public of piped water for human consumption.

    PVC : polyvinyl chloride.

    Sanitary Code : rules, standards and regulations adopted by the unified government designed to minimize or control those environments and environmental conditions that may adversely affect the health and well-being of the public. Such environments and environmental conditions may include but are not restricted to: wastewater and wastewater disposal; water supply; food and food handling.

    Septic tank : an approved watertight structure installed underground to receive sewage from a building sewer, effecting separation and organic decomposition of sewage solids and discharging effluent to an absorption field.

    Sewage holding tank: a watertight receptacle used to contain domestic sewage discharged from a building which has a water supply and does not discharge to an on-site sewage management system or public sewer.

    Sewage vault : a watertight receptacle used to contain sewage generated from a building which does not have a water supply and does not discharge to an on-site sewage management system or public sewer.

    Single family residential building : any building intended to be occupied by one family as living quarters.

    Toilet : a sanitary fixture meeting health department and plumbing code requirements for receipt and conveyance of human body wastes.

    Water supply main : any water line, including the water meter, which is owned by a public water supply.

    Water well : any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation is for the location, diversion, artificial recharge or acquisition of groundwater.

(Ord. No. O-51-18 , § 1, 12-6-2018)