§ 30-236. Septic tanks.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All septic tanks shall be designed and constructed according to the specifications set forth by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's Bulletin 4-2.


    There shall be no permanent structure (patio, building, driveway, etc.) over the tank, lateral or other part of an on-site wastewater system (p. 6, KDHE Bulletin [4-2], or as amended).


    All abandoned or unused septic tanks, cesspools, seepage pits, or other holes that have received wastewater shall be emptied and plugged following procedures described in K-State Research and Extension bulletin MF-2246 (p. 6, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).


    Compacting of the absorption field during placement of the septic tank shall be avoided (p. 9, Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).


    Where natural soil is not suitable, tanks shall be placed on a bed of at least four inches of sand, pea gravel, or crushed non-corrosive granular material. Material shall be no larger than two inches in diameter (p. 9, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).


    Septic tanks shall be watertight (p. 7, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).


    Special considerations for fiberglass, fiberglass reinforced polyester, and polyethylene tanks (p. 9, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended):


    All tanks shall be sold and delivered by the manufacturer completely assembled.


    Tanks shall be structurally sound and support external forces as specified above when empty and internal forces when full. Tanks shall not deform or creep resulting in deflection more than five percent in shape as a result of loads imposed.


    Tanks and all below grade fittings and connections shall be water tight.


    Plastic tanks shall not be used in high or seasonally high water tables (p. 10, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).


    Fiberglass or plastic septic tanks shall be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications to ensure that the installation will not void the manufacturer's warranty.


    Location . The septic tank shall be located as set forth in Table I. No septic tank shall be installed after the effective date of this Sanitary Code within:


    Ten feet of any house or other building.


    Twenty-five feet of any public water main, water meter (p. 4, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended), or in-ground swimming pool.


    Fifty feet of any private water well, surface water course, creek bank, stream, pond, river, or lake (p. 4, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).


    One hundred feet of any public water supply well or suction line (p. 4, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).


    Any floodplain.


    The health department, after site inspection, may stipulate greater separation than cited herein, due to adverse on-site conditions including location of a well on-site or nearby, site configuration or structural placement, sub-surface soil characteristics, and/or groundwater interference.


    Capacity . The minimum liquid capacity of septic tanks shall be sized as follows, (p. 6, Table 7, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended):

    1 to 3 bedrooms: 1,000 gallons

    4 bedrooms: 1,200 gallons

    5 bedrooms: 1,500 gallons


    Foundation and backfill. Septic tanks shall be installed level on a foundation that will prevent settling. Where natural soil is not suitable, tanks shall be placed on a bed of at least four inches of sand, pea gravel, or crushed non-corrosive granular material. Material shall be no larger than two inches in diameter (p. 9, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended). Backfill shall be free of voids, stumps, broken masonry or other such materials. The lid of the tank shall be covered with earth.


    Access and inspection. Septic tanks shall have an access manhole with 20 inches minimum dimension for each compartment that shall extend to the surface of the ground. When any opening larger than eight inches extends to the surface, that opening shall be child and tamper-resistant. Ways to accomplish this include lids weighing at least 65 pounds, locks, or anchors that are not removable without special tools (p. 8, KDHE Bulletin 4-2, or as amended).


    Inlet pipe. The inlet invert should be located at least three inches above the liquid level in the tank. A vented inlet tee shall be used to divert the incoming sewage downward. It shall extend at least 12 inches below the liquid level, but the penetration must not be greater than that provided by the outlet device.


    Outlet pipe. The outlet device shall extend 18 inches below the liquid surface. A vented outlet tee shall be provided.


    Sealed. A watertight seal shall be made around the inlet and outlet pipes with a rubber gasket or bonding compound that will adhere both to the concrete septic tank and the exterior surfaces of the inlet and outlet pipes. The lid shall be sealed to the walls of the tank. Any holes in the tank shall be sealed so that the tank is watertight.


    The top of the septic tank shall be a maximum of 12 inches from the finished grade (KDHE Bulletin 4-2, p. 7, or as amended).

    Septic tanks are illustrated in Figure B.

(Ord. No. O-51-18 , § 6, 12-6-2018)