§ 33-10. General standards and requirements.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to such other requirements as may be reasonably imposed by the public health department, all swimming pools shall be constructed and maintained in conformity with the following requirements:


    Material. The material used for lining artificial swimming pools shall be one that is light in color, is impervious, and will provide a tight tank with smooth easily cleaned surfaces. Sand or dirt bottoms are prohibited.


    Walls, depth markings and slope. The walls of the pool shall be vertical. Conspicuous markings shall be provided showing the location and depth of the shallow and deep portions and the location and depth of the points where the slope of the bottom of the pool changes. Special markings shall be necessary for large and odd-shaped pools as prescribed by the public health department.


    Overflow gutters and skimmers. Overflow gutters shall be provided for pools more than 2,000 square feet in surface area and shall extend completely around the pool. Skimmers shall be permitted for pools with not more than 2,000 square feet of surface area. At least one such skimming device shall be provided for each 500 square feet of surface area or fraction thereof. Skimmers shall not be located more than 30 feet apart, measured horizontally.


    Inlets and outlets. All pools shall be provided with sufficient outlets at the deepest point. The outlets shall be of sufficient size to permit the pool to be completely drained or emptied and, shall be designed and located to reduce suction currents and shall be covered with a proper grating. Inlets for fresh or repurified water shall be submerged and located so as to produce as nearly as possible a uniform circulation of water through the entire pool.


    Separate space for bathers and spectators. The design of the locker rooms, shower rooms and pool shall be such as to provide easy cleaning and proper routing of bathers and complete separation of bathers and spectators. Enclosures sufficiently high and strong to keep spectators outside the runways of the pool shall be provided. The pool shall be completely surrounded by a walkway at least four feet in width.


    Heating. All indoor pools that are to be used when the outside temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit shall be provided with facilities for uniform and adequate heating of the pool room, dressing rooms, and water in the pool.


    Water in pool. The water in the swimming pool shall meet the requirements of the public health department for a safe drinking water supply.


    Recirculation. For new pools, provisions shall be made for complete circulation of water through all parts of the pool. The system shall be designed and constructed so that a "turnover" of at least one time in each six-hour period shall be provided. The installation in new pools of the "fill and draw" type of circulation shall not be permitted. For pools already in existence, the health director shall furnish the owners with a program of improvements and additions which shall be carried out over a period not to exceed five years in order to comply with the requirements of the public health department for new pools. A satisfactory recirculation system for the swimming pool shall be installed consisting of circulation pumps, chemical dozing equipment (alum and alkali) or surge tank, float valve control on water supply, hair and lint catcher, chlorinator, indicator, recording and totalizing instrument, flow meters, pressure gauges, and piping connections to inlets and outlets, and all other necessary fixtures and connections.


    Shower baths. Adequate shower facilities with hot and cold water and adequate in number for both males and females shall be provided. All persons entering the pool shall be required to take a cleansing shower bath, and soap shall be provided.


    Cross connections. All cross connections between the city water supply or the sewer system shall be constructed in accordance with chapter 8, article VII.


    Indicating, recording, totalizing instruments, etc. When necessary, in the opinion of the public health department, indicating, recording or totalizing instruments, flow meters or indicators and pressure gauges shall be installed at places designated by the public health department.


    Hair and lint interceptors. Hair and lint interceptors shall be installed so that all water drawn from the pool for recirculation shall pass through the hair and lint interceptors before reaching the filter.


    Lavatory and drinking water. Lavatory and drinking water supplies shall be adequate in quality and quantity.


    Walks. Walks providing ingress and egress to the swimming pool must be of ample size and satisfactorily drained.


    Lighting. Satisfactory lighting must be provided for all accessory and appurtenant facilities.


    Hoses. Hose connections and hoses must be of ample size and pressure to clean all of the pool area.


    Steps. Steps and ladders must be made of impervious material, easily cleaned and must be so designed as not to collect water when above the waterline.


    Pollution. Swimming pools must not be exposed to excessive pollution by dust, smoke, soot or other undesirable substances.


    Disinfecting equipment. Disinfecting equipment adequate for the purpose must be provided as an integral part of the swimming pool.


    Accessibility of equipment. All equipment must be readily accessible, and every pool shall be provided with necessary equipment for the measurement of activity or alkalinity and for residual determinations. The equipment room shall be satisfactorily located and adequately drained.


    Dressing rooms. Dressing rooms shall be adequately designed, maintained, located, drained, equipped, lighted and ventilated.


    Toilets. Toilet facilities shall be provided and shall be adequately designed, maintained and located with separate facilities for men and women.


    Bathing loads. Bathing loads shall be determined and computed according to public health standards, and the decision of the health director shall be final.


    Food, drinking and smoking. Food and drink shall not be permitted in or around the pool area. A separate enclosed area shall be provided for these purposes. Smoking of cigarettes, pipes, etc., shall not be permitted around the pool area, but smoking may be permitted in the area provided for food and drinks.


    Diving boards. Diving boards shall be constructed of safe and easily cleaned materials. Such boards shall not be permitted where the depth of the water is inadequate according to current engineering principles and public health practices.

(Code 1964, § 34A-7; Code 1988, § 33-10; Ord. No. 50781, § 7, 6-1-1972)