§ 16-2. Access to and inspection of food establishments.  

Latest version.
  • The duly appointed inspectors of the unified government public health department, their assistants, or the health officer shall have access to all food establishments, including, but not limited to, all places in the county where any article of food is stored, prepared for sale, provided to the public with or without charge, manufactured, kept for sale or sold to places where food is or may be cooked, prepared, sold or kept for sale to or for the public or distributed as a part of the compensation of servants and agents, including public and private hospitals, boarding and eating houses, drinking places and other places where any such articles are sold, and they may inspect any packages or receptacles found therein apparently containing any article of food or ingredient thereof and take samples therefrom for analyses.

(Code 1964, § 16-5; Code 1988, § 16-2; Ord. No. O-83-01, § 2, 9-6-2001)