§ 2-389. Removal from office; procedure.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Unless otherwise provided for by federal, state or local law, and except as provided for in subsection 2-389(c), the members of any agency, board, committee or commission created by or under the authority of the unified government serve at the pleasure of the unified government commission.


    Unless otherwise provided for by federal, state or local law, the members of any agency, board, committee or commission created by or under the authority of the unified government may be removed at the request of the mayor or commissioner (or their respective successor) that originally nominated the member, and upon the affirmative vote of six members of the unified government commission. However, if removal of the member would cause the agency, board, committee or commission to have less than a quorum to conduct business, the removal shall not become effective until the unified government commission has appointed a replacement for the member being removed.


    No member of any agency, board, committee or commission created by or under the authority of the unified government shall be removed during their term of office by the mayor or any commissioner that did not originally nominate the member, except for cause and after hearing held before the unified government commission and upon the affirmative vote of six members thereof. The mayor or commissioner requesting the removal shall provide a notice of such request, and the reasons stated for the removal, to the clerk of the unified government. The clerk of the unified government shall provide a copy of such request for removal to the mayor, the unified government commission, and the member whose removal is being requested, no less than 30 days prior to any such hearing.

(Ord. No. O-65-16 , § 1, 11-17-2016)