§ 3-26. Incinerators.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General provisions.


    This section shall apply to any incinerator used to dispose of refuse or other wastes by burning and the processing of salvable material by burning. Notwithstanding definitions in other sections, as used in this section, the term "refuse" includes garbage, rubbish, nonresidential waste, trade wastes, leaves, salvable material, agricultural wastes, and other wastes. The term "incinerator," as used in this section, includes incinerators and other devices, structures, or contrivances used to burn refuse (as defined herein) or to process refuse by burning.


    The burning capacity of an incinerator shall be the manufacturer's or designer's guaranteed maximum rate or such other rate as may be determined by the director in accordance with good engineering practice. In case of conflict, the director's determination shall govern.


    In calculating the amount of particulate matter in stack gas, the loading shall be adjusted to 12 percent carbon dioxide in the stack gas. The carbon dioxide produced by burning of any liquid or gaseous fuel in the incinerator shall be excluded from the calculation to 12 percent carbon dioxide. Emissions shall be measured when the incinerator is operating at its maximum capacity or at any other burning rate during which emission of particulate matter is greater, when expressed as grains per standard dry cubic foot of stack gas.


    Instructions for proper operation of each incinerator, including charging procedures, necessary air intake and damper adjustments, use of auxiliary burners, etc., shall be conspicuously posted and maintained at the incinerator location. In addition, all new incinerators, or incinerators remodeled to conform with these regulations, shall have a plate designating the rated capacity of the incinerator and any auxiliary burners permanently affixed to the incinerator.


    Provisions applicable to incinerators existing on or before February 24, 1974.


    No person shall cause or permit the emission of particulate matter from the stack or chimney of any existing incinerator in excess of the following:


    Incinerators with a maximum refuse burning capacity of 200 to 20,000 pounds per hour, 0.2 grains of particulate matter per standard dry cubic foot of exhaust gas.


    Incinerators with a waste burning capacity of less than 200 pounds per hour, 0.3 grains of particulate matter per standard dry cubic foot of exhaust gas, corrected to 12 percent carbon dioxide.


    Incinerators with a waste burning capacity in excess of 20,000 pounds of waste per hour, 0.1 grain of particulate matter per standard dry cubic foot of exhaust gas, corrected to 12 percent carbon dioxide.


    No incinerator shall be used for the burning of refuse unless such incinerator is a multiple-chamber incinerator. Existing incinerators that are not multiple-chamber incinerators may be altered, modified, or rebuilt as may be necessary to meet this requirement. The director may approve any other alteration or modification to an existing incinerator if such be found to be equally effective for the purpose of air pollution control as a modification or alteration which would result in a multiple-chamber incinerator.


    Provisions applicable to incinerators established after February 24, 1974.


    All incinerators shall be multiple-chamber incinerators; provided that the director may approve any other kind of incinerator if the director finds in advance of construction or installation that such other kind of incinerator is equally effective for purposes of air pollution control as an approved multiple-chamber incinerator.


    No person shall cause or permit the emission of particulate matter from the stack or chimney of any incinerator in excess of the limitation prescribed in subsection (b)(1) of this section.


    Performance testing.


    Waste burned in conjunction with the performance tests specified in this subsection (d) shall be a representative sample of the refuse normally generated by the operation that the incinerator is intended to serve.


    In calculating the amount of particulate matter in stack gas, the loading shall be adjusted to 12 percent carbon dioxide in the stack gas. The exhaust gases produced in the burning of liquid or gaseous fuel in the incinerator shall be excluded from the calculations to 12 percent carbon dioxide. Emissions shall be measured when the incinerator is operating at the manufacturer's or designer's guaranteed maximum rate or such other rate that may be determined by the director in accordance with good engineering practice. In case of conflict, the director's determination shall govern.


    A performance test to determine compliance with the opacity requirements specified in section 3-18 shall be performed by the director on each new incinerator, and each existing incinerator modified or rebuilt to conform with this section.


    A measurement of particulate matter emission performance test may be required by the director on any incinerator. The initial performance test shall be performed at the expense of the vendor or operator by an independent testing organization or by any other qualified person subject to the approval of the director. The performance test may be observed by the director or the director's designee representative and must be performed in accordance with testing procedures approved by the director.


    Handling of incinerated refuse residue, ashes or incineration processed salvable material.


    It shall be the responsibility of the incinerator owner or operator to handle or treat the incinerated residue, ashes or incineration processed salvable material in such a manner as to eliminate residual smoldering, fuming, smoking, or dusting.


    The director shall require that the incinerator owner or operator take such measures as are necessary to eliminate or prevent such residual smoldering, fuming, smoking, or dusting. The director shall specifically require that such residue, ashes or incinerator processed salvable material be quenched with water, kept in covered containers or treated or handled in such fashion as the director deems necessary.

(Code 1964, § 2A-26.1; Code 1988, § 3-27; Ord. No. 52677, § 1, 2-28-1974)